
I didn't think I'd be able to do any posting while in Maryland, but I found I have some time... The subject of death is thought provoking. We all know death is inescapable; death can be immenent, or as the Merriam Webster dictionary so aptly states it, 'hanging threateningly over one's head '. But have you thought that death is also unnatural? Death is an unnatural addition to life - to the original creation by God. God's creation was perfect; complete; good. But when sin crashed into the world, death followed by its coat-tails (so-to-speak). But I am thankful that Christ conquered death. "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?" The resurrection is the key to the Gospel's power. And by partaking in Christ's suffering, we partake of His power - for he rose again and is living today! IF we live unto Christ, we will never die. What a thought.

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