
Here's the Data...

Salary Tool comparison results for:

Title: Help desk/technical support specialist Industry: IT/computer-related services/consulting Region: South Atlantic National Base: 615 Profile Base: 15 * In 2003, a typical person employed as a Help desk/technical support specialist in the IT/computer-related services/consulting industry in the South Atlantic Region could expect to earn an average compensation of $40,615. That compensation figure includes salary and bonus. Here are the highlights - Sorry it's not formatted, but you should've read it before I posted it... :) Middle Atlantic South Atlantic Director of IT/IS $114,021 $107,176 Help desk/technical support manager $68,051 $66,924 IT/IS manager $81,000 $78,328 Network manager $74,319 $75,374 Programming/application development manager $94,896 $93,117 Project manager $102,892 $97,528 Database administrator $84,057 $76,958 Help desk/technical support specialist $44,510 $50,047 IT/IS technology business systems analyst $76,047 $68,609 Network administrator $55,763 $51,621 Network engineer $71,439 $72,722 Programmer analyst $69,551 $68,087 Project leader $78,841 $82,592 Software engineer $79,309 $79,005 Systems administrator $65,060 $66,494 Systems architect $100,837 $98,452 Senior systems analyst $84,688 $85,209

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