
While I'm in a posting mood, I think I'll finally write my take on Hulk. That was just an intense movie. I don't think there was one time that I thought the Hulk was fake. He was huge; probably 12 feet tall, I think. Although, overall, I liked the movie, I do have a couple gripes about it. 1. The first 3/4 of the movie was just a psychological thriller IF you can call a child seeing his mother murdered a psychological thriller. That was just stupid. What really was weird is the dad (David Banner). What a lunatic! We still don't know why he went off the deep end. You could tell the lunatic-ness of David Banner was put into the movie so the Hulk would have a nemesis. Can't these guys come up with anything original? So what if his pet project was stopped - it was still a 'we need something for filler so the Hulk can have someone to fight' kinda thing.... 2. The first 3/4 of the movie was too slow. They could have compacted that hour and half into a half hour. They also should have majored on the major part of the movie and minored on the minor part, instead of minoring on the major and majoring on the minor. :) Ok, gripes over. I could go on, but now on to the good stuff... I loved how Bruce Banner Hulked out. That just rocked. He was massive. It was a good thing they kept the movie as close to the comic book as possible. The TV show had its place. That was a good show, but not for today's audience. The movie definitely needed the comic book feel. You must view this movie from the comic book perspective. If you've never read the comic book, go read it before you watch the movie. The fight with the abnormally large dogs was cool. Very intense. Those dogs never gave up. Let me just say Betty would have gotten Pwn3d! ouchy. The ending was sorta hokey, but it was still in the comic book vein. But I do like the last part in the Amazon. Very funny. The one misnomer for the Hulk is labeling him as a 'Superhero'. He's not. In all truthfulness, he's a freak. He's someone accidentally created. Granted, he became a type of superhero later on in his adventures, but not in the beginning. He hadn't a clue what was going on in the beginning. So do not classify the Hulk movie as a superhero movie. It's a movie about a Comic Book character. period. Anyway, that's my take on it.

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